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The Best Methods for Hanging Wallpaper

Line an area with background and you’ve got instant decoration. From blah to daring within a matter of hours, paper could push boundaries beyond what paint can do. It enlivens walls with textures or patterns or both–your pick.

But as often as homeowners attempt to hang themselves, they rarely get it right, cursing their paring tiles and mismatched patterns–it’s enough to drive you up a wallsocket. Input John Gregoras, a pro paper hanger out of Somers, New York, with nearly two years’ experience. And, boy, did we learn a great deal – everything from the way he intends the design to how he traces up the last seam. With this kind of insider know-how, papering just got a great deal easier.

Greatest Wallpaper Techniques Overview

Layout is the secret when you’re learning how to hang wallpaper. Paying attention to the order in which the paper goes up guarantees that your pattern will stay well-matched and seem straight. John Gregoras recommends functioning in one direction around the room to keep the pattern consistent.

But no matter how good your technique, the pattern between the first and last strip will rarely match up. Because of this, Gregoras always begins his job behind a doorway, papering out from the corner until he reaches the distance over the doorway — the least conspicuous place in the room.

Frequently, the last strip of paper onto a wall is not a full sheet. So another wallpapering suggestion Gregoras uses is to constantly paper the corners together with split sheets.

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Apply Wallpaper Paste

Paint the entire room with a wall primer/sizer.

Unroll the background. As you do, check out defects and drag the paper from the edge of your worktable to remove the curl.

Cut the paper into sheets 4 inches longer than the height of your walls. Cut at the same place on the replicate so patterns on adjoining sheets will lineup.

Lay a cut sheet onto the table, face down.

Tip: Do not allow paste to get on the desk or it will mar another sheet (wipe it off with a barely damp sponge when it will ). Slide the paper all the way into the edge of this table to use paste to the ends and edges.

Novel the Paper

Twist the glued back of this paper onto it, bottom and top ends meeting in the middle. Guarantee the side edges line up perfectly. Smooth the paper onto itself as far as you can without creasing the springs.

Set the paper apart to permit the glue to soak in and the paper to relax. Make sure you adhere to the exact booking time advocated on the background’s tag, which differs based on its content (more for vinyl-coated wallcoverings, less for uncoated papers).

Start at a corner near a doorway. If the doorway is nowhere near the corner, draw a reference line parallel to the doorway near the corner.

Unfold the top of the booked paper and hang it on the wall. Overlap about 2 inches at the ceiling and also 1/8 inch at the corner. Gently press it in position.

Examine the measurement between the newspaper and the door casing or benchmark line. Fix the paper to keep it parallel to the doorway but nevertheless overlapping at ⅛ inch in the corner.

Tuck and Reduce the Paper

When the sheet is aligned, use the edge of a paper simpler to tuck the paper into the corner in the ceiling. Then, working from the top down, sweep the smoother within the whole sheet. (Don’t press so hard that you push out glue.)

Trim the excess paper at the ceilingPush a 6-inch taping knife to the joint between the wall and ceiling. Using a razor, cut over the knife to trim off the surplus. Work slowly. Alternate between moving and cutting the knife. Do not slide the knife and razor together. Keep on papering to a point above the door.

Continue Papering

On the adjoining wall, draw a plumb line (if there’s no door or door ).

Hang a strip at the corner. Overlap the existing piece on the adjacent wall by 1/8 inch. Measure to the plumb line and correct the paper to keep the distance equivalent. Smooth the paper. Lean in the ceiling and cut on the corner.

Hang another strip of newspaper. Unfold the surface of the novel and set it on the wall. Match the pattern as tightly as you can, leaving just a hair’s width between the sheets.

Suggestion: Push out air bubbles by sweeping the paper smoother from the middle out to the edges. Wipe off glue on the surface using a sponge.

Close the Seams

Lightly press the surface of the paper to the wall. Then lightly roll the seam with a seam roller to sew the edges.

Unfold the bottom of the sheet and finish matching and shutting the seam. Then tightly roll the whole seam, working a full 3 inches in from the border.

Smooth the entire sheet. Continue papering the room, trimming and overlapping corners as shown in Step 5.

Tip: If the reserved end of this strip starts to dry out before you hang it, then wipe the wall with a damp sponge. This will remoisten the glue when you hang on the paper.

Cut in Around Moldings

At doors and windows, let the paper overlap the molding by an inch.

Using the razor, make a relief cut in the paper. Gently run the razor out of the molding corner outside to the edge of this paper. Use the molding as a guide.

Trim the excess paper flap using a taping knife and razor. Smooth down the entire sheet.

Tip: Mistakes are inevitable once you’re learning how to hang wallpaper. Hide small cutting mistakes on darker papers by bleach the wall or the white edge of the paper with a mark that matches the newspaper. Some pros even color all the paper’s borders so seams are not as evident should the newspaper shrink as it dries.

Cover Alter

Paper the cover plates of electrical fixtures to make them vanish. Cut a piece of wallpaper larger than the plate. Cut out of the component of the pattern which matches the paper onto the wall round the switch.

Hold them both on the wall and then adjust the paper to match the pattern on the wall.

Hold the paper and turn the plate . Cut the corners off 1/8 inch off from the plate. Wrap the paper over the plate and then tape it on.

Cut out the switch or receptacle holes with a razor. Make Xs in the screw holes. Screw back the plates to the wall.