It can take up to 90 days before the deletion of content on your wall and in your account will begin. However, you can also permanently delete your account by clicking Settings, going to Your Facebook Information, and clicking Delete Your Account and Information, followed by Delete My Account. If you have trouble finding this setting, you can also type « delete Facebook » in the Help Center tab. Deactivating your account gives you the option to take a break and return later, and will take you off searchable results. By default, anyone can view your photos and videos on your Instagram account.
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However, they will appear quite a bit, but it is still a noticeable change. Odin3 v3.09 usually recognizes files with the .tar / .tar.md5 extensions, while the .zip files aren’t supported. However, if you find a custom ROM that is in zip format, then you will need to search for its .tar counterpart and then flash it. Chainfire’s CF-Auto-Root tools is one of the most popular .tar files usually flashed by Samsung users, as it allows them to achieve root for their devices.